1. First, follow the steps in Upload a Local Docker Backup to the MCOECN to get a backup of your district data to the MCOECN. When the Service Broker task below runs, it will find your backup by IRN and restore it to the new application.
  2. Log into https://cloud.managementcouncil.org and go to Service Broker

  3. Find the "USxS-RunAsProd" catalog item, and click Request to run it.
  4. Fill out the form.  

    ITC Name will be filled in for you (unless you manage Redesign for other ITCs as well, if so, choose the ITC under the Project dropdown).

    Select USAS or USPS.

    Choose which district to create USAS/USPS for from the District Name drop-down.

  5. Click the button to run the task.   The USxS-RunAsProd item will:
    1. Find your backup file by the IRN
    2. Automatically create a new instance of USAS/USPS/INVENTORY/WORKFLOWS
    3. Will restore your backup into it
    4. Will email you a notice when the task is complete (takes about 10 minutes or less).

      You can run this for a district as many times as you need to, until you run "Mark as Live" on that district's USAS/USPS application.  After that, running USxS-RunAsProd will fail....it will not overwrite a LIVE district.